Virus total / jotti scan and Manual Update

Hi SS team,

Direct upload to jotti scan / virsutotal was a very good and imp feature to check unsigned apps, but in 15.0 I could not find this option. Is the feature removed?

Also, could not find Manual Update option. occasionally manual update check is also useful.


Thank you for your feedback on offering a manual update! We’ll consider adding that in the future. Maybe we could make it work like Firefox or Chrome, under “About” so it checks when you go there… I will discuss with our team.

We now have a much higher quality proprietary threat detection system. Go to our “Protection” tab and look at the top where it says “Threat Protection” to confirm it’s running.

Then, on top of this… we make the hashes of executables easily available for copying/pasting in our UI, so if you are worried about an .exe copy the hash, then paste it into

I don’t believe VirusTotal has been in SpyShelter for many years.

Our Threat Detection system is not powered by Microsoft, but if you want to test it out you can use their files available here to see how it performs on a threat.

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