Taskbar Windows11

When Spyshelter is installed, the Taskbar disappears whenever i alt +tab out of games or fullscreen applications.
for instance, when spyshelter is uninstalled, as soon as i tab out , taskbar is there.

also i had multiple times the issue now, that the icon of spyshelter is missing and there is no way to open the programm when that happens, other than reinstalling.


Thanks for reporting this issue.

I am alt-tabbing like crazy and I can’t seem to recreate this. Can you give me step by step instructions? I will then report it to my team and try to recreate it again.

Also, please go to the top right cog icon and choose “About” and post your SpyShelter version. Then also please post your Windows version if possible.

Issue steps :

  • Spyshelter (newest version) installed.
    • open app … for example web browser
  • start another Game/App and put it in Fullscreen/fullscreen window
  • alt tab out to web browser
  • taskbar at bottom doesnt show, instead bottom of fullscreen app/game is visible

No Spyshelter :

  • same step by step
  • taskbar at bottom shows when tab out

System → Windows 11 Pro 23H2

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Thank you. Our team is now trying to recreate the issue so we can investigate and fix it.

We are grateful you took the time to make this detailed report.

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We are still working to recreate this. Thanks again for your report. Hopefully we can find it and have a fix in the next update.

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Can you confirm this only happens when our “Screenshot Protection” feature is on under the “Protection” tab? Please confirm that if you turn this feature off, the bug goes away?

Our Quality Assurance person wants to know this. Thanks!

Yes, i can confirm that enabling Screenshot Protection Module, triggers this bug.
when i turn it off, taskbar behaves like it should (bug gone).

for now i will keep it disabled then. But obviously id appreciate a fix if possible :slight_smile:

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We were unable to fix the issue in this latest software release that came out yesterday.

Overall this issue is a bit tricky to fix (since it’s related to Screenshot Protection)… but we are looking at finding a way to do so.

All good, no rush !

Since Taskbar is a “part” of Windows-Explorer process/service my guess would be that the conflict is somewhere “there”. Maybe that helps ? ^^

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It seems to be related to the overlay we add to avoid any screenshots of apps. So, it’s kind of tricky to fix because we want to have screenshot protection of the whole screen still, but then there is this issue.

We have an idea on how to fix it, but it’s pretty complicated. However, once we implement the fix we can let users protect only certain apps from screenshot protection which would be cool. We’re not 100% sure that’s even possible yet… it’s complicated, so please give us time to figure it out.