Spyshelter pro deception

I discovered this site while I was looking for an anti keylogger solution to deploy on my device, indeed nowadays having the best antivirus or the best encrypting software won’t help you secure any data or any device if you can’t secure your input and output devices (keyboard, mouse, usb connectors, screen, …).
When I read all that Spyshelter was promising providing especially when purchasing their solution I haven’t even tried the free version and went on buying the pro solution.
When installed, I realized that the anti keylogger and the encryption of keystrokes were not in the bundle as in the youtube videos I have seen.
In help section I found the 4 softwares I was looking for and downloaded the Spyshelter premium solution knowing that it will work as I already paid the pro version.
I installed the premium version the software interface was what I was looking for, until I received the message the driver cannot be connected and hence, I discovered this forum and the windows 11 update that makes the anti keylogger solution not working.
Thus I had to uninstall the premium version what went very well, but the problem now is I can’t launch the spyshelter pro version anymore, moreover I can’t even uninstall it.
Hopefully I tested the software for a few moments before all this happened, that is an extremely well developed and explained firewall but let me remind what I said before : this won’t help you secure any data or any device if you can’t secure your input and output devices.


Sorry for any confusion. We posted all about our latest software here on our forum Major SpyShelter announcement: Keyboard encryption is dead, long live keyboard encryption and why keyboard encryption is no longer available.

We also don’t mention that antikeylogging functionality on our current website as a feature anymore, however it seems you found this feature set via some old Youtube videos. I will see if we can access that old Youtube account and remove them (they may be unavailable to us since they were put up by the original founder of SpyShelter).

For the issue with the Driver you experienced with our Classic Premium software, this is due to a change with the Windows OS which we have no control over and this is why we completely redesigned the app to work with the latest versions of Windows, and that latest version is what you purchased (the version with the download link on our home page).

Please note we have a 30 day money back guarantee so if you’re unhappy please email our helpdesk so we can refund you. Contact SpyShelter and Get Help with Free, Pro, or Ultimate

To quickly solve the issue you’re having with our latest software please do the following:

  1. Go to add/remove programs and uninstall SpyShelter Premium and any other SpyShelter versions you see there. DO NOT USE A THIRD PARTY UNINSTALLER.

  2. REBOOT - Important

  3. Now go to www.spyshelter.com and download our software and install it again. It should still be the Pro version, but if it’s not for some reason follow the instructions in your Pro email to upgrade again.

Did it solve the issue? If not please let me know so I can help you get Pro running again.

Thanks for your feedback with antikeylogging, etc… but the latest versions of Windows don’t really make that functionality reasonable anymore so we decided to focus on allow-listing where you can decide which apps are allowed to run and when. This allow-listing security feature should take care of most forms of malware (since they won’t be able to start), and any that aren’t caught will probably be caught by our own malware detection system.

I also emailed the address you used here in the forum to help in case you want to respond directly via email.

Thank you for your quick response.
I don’t want to ask for money back. That is a very good software (it has stopped 2 processes first 5 min of use in parano mode) where all processes are explained. It outperforms many other. my problem is that I do still keep looking for an anti keylogger while I thought having found the best solution. I hope one day you will solve this issue and propose updates, I do support you for that.
Concerning the problem faced I already uninstalled the premium version ( I installed it after the pro version installation.) and it got uninstalled well and it restarted system. From here I was not able to find any shortcut of the spyshelter pro version. I went in Program Files/Spyshelter/UI, here I found the .exe laucher. when launching it, it stays stuck on its initializing screen as it is the first time I open it. I tried to uninstall it from windows app uninstaller section it didn’t uninstall. then I went to run the uninstaller.exe provided with the app, it didn’t uninstall too, I didn’t use the shell script to uninstall it.
That is why I thought it was important to discuss it on forum rather than through mail. If I have to think about it as a bug, I will mention the installation of the premium version over the pro may have used the same entry keys in the key directory so when uninstalling the second, the first pro is no longer visible.
I installed the pro version with all users option so maybe can’t uninstall if a process use it elsewhere.
see you!

I am glad you were able to enjoy our latest software for a bit!

However, is it correct that it still is not working for you now? Or, were you able to get it working again? I want to help you get SpyShelter working again as soon as possible.

Please confirm if SpyShelter is working for you now or not and I will suggest another option to solve it.

I’m hoping your post means everything is OK now? Thanks again for using SpyShelter and I apologize for the issues you experienced.

no it is still not working, as I said the app stays stuck on the initializing screen (like radar) with this sign ’ ! ’ on the app icon in system tray.
and it is still not uninstallable.

I do think the uninstall of the premium version has impacted the pro version. When uninstalling the premium version I have been asked if I want to delete the list of exception or rules (I don’t remember the word) I opted for yes.

Problem solved,
Without any uninstall I reinstalled the pro version. while installing the app says that it has to clean previous installation then it installed itself and worked.
It is working currently, I just hope it will uninstall someday. I don’t want to try I guess I have only 3 chances or is it 3 devices? I don’t know.

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I’m glad it’s working! Sorry for the issues.

Yes, I think it will uninstall in the future with no problems as long as you go to the official Windows add/remove programs and don’t use a third party uninstaller or cleaner.

I believe the issue probably happened because our older “Classic” was installed with the new version. We should look more closely at a solution for that so nobody will have that problem in the future.

Thanks again for supporting our work on this project and we appreciate you letting us know of these issues so we can improve!