SpyShelter "Classic" Silent Anti KeyLogger Stopped Working After Windows 11 24H2 Update


I have yearly subscriptions for SpyShelter Silent Anti KeyLogger and have been running version 12.9 on my computer (Windows 10) and laptop (Windows 11) without any issues for a long time.

However, today the laptop was updated to Windows 11 24H2 and ever since then I cannot get SpyShelter to work. Instead on startup it gives an error “Cannot connect to driver” and no combination of changing settings, restarting, etc. fixes it.

This was working fine before the update so I’m not sure what’s happening now. Could anyone please advise on how to fix this?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry for the issue. Are you able to revert to the previous version of Windows? Reverting should solve the issue immediately.

Meanwhile we have reported the issue with our older “Classic” software to Microsoft and we are awaiting a response.

Our latest software at www.spyshelter.com doesn’t have this issue.

Hello Carl,

Thanks for your response.

Unfortunately it won’t be possible to revert the update as I need to be on the latest version now. So I am keen to see what response you get on how to fix this.

Also, I did look at the latest SpyShelter some time ago but my understanding was it didn’t have the anti-keylogger hence why I have been sticking with the SpyShelter Silent Anti Keylogger version of your software. However, if this has changed then please let me know because I would be happy to upgrade to the newer version if it works and can do this now?

Unfortunately Windows 11 makes anti-keylogging difficult or impossible for us to implement because of changes Microsoft made to the OS. We will keep trying to bring back this feature in a way where it can be stable, dependable, and not constantly disabled by Windows updates and other future OS changes.

I will keep a lookout on Microsoft’s response. Hopefully they will offer some solution to the issue.

In my opinion he should use the latest version of spyshelter since he uses the latest version of Windows. SpyShelter 12.9 was released 14/09/2022.

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Ahh I see. That’s unfortunate if Microsoft is doing that :frowning: If I read between the lines, would I be correct in saying that if Microsoft doesn’t have a good solution then I may no longer be able to run this on my Windows 11 computer?

Anyways, by any chance have you received a response from Microsoft yet?

Thanks for all your efforts and it’s appreciated.

Hi Olobambolo,

I think you are confusing two different products. I am using SpyShelter Silent Anti Keylogger v12.9, not SpyShelter with all the extra bells and whistles.

The reason I am using this specific version is specifically for the anti-keylogger functionality (and I should mention that although they have not updated this product for a few years now, I am still a paid customer and continue to pay a yearly fee to access this software). Unfortunately, the latest version of the main SpyShelter program that you are referring to does not include the anti-keylogger functionality as far as I’m aware, and thus would not be suitable for my purposes.

Hence, I am stuck on the SpyShelter Silent Anti-Keylogger version simply because it is the only one that has the functionality that I need, which thankfully is still working on Windows 10, but unfortunately has stopped working on Windows 11 after the latest update :frowning:

Still no response from Microsoft so far, but hopefully something will come soon so we can recommend a solution.

Hello Carl,

Thank you very much for trying to help me.

Unfortunately it looks like there is no longer a solution to running this on latest Windows 11 :frowning:

My 2 licenses are due for renewal in about 2 weeks so I’d like to reduce that to 1 license renewal since I can keep using that on my windows 10 pc for now. However, I’m not sure how to do this? When I login to 2checkout I can see my order there but the only option it gives me is to cancel automatic renewal. I cannot find anyway to adjust the subscription to renew for only 1 license instead of 2. Could you please advise how to do this or is this something you could adjust on your end?

Thanks again for your efforts though and it’s unfortunate Microsoft makes it this hard.

On a sidenote though have any of your programmers review Hitman Pro Alert? Apparently it includes a working anti-keylogger that still works on Windows 11 but I cannot use it because it includes too many other things that interferes with my antivirus. However, I wonder if you could possibly implement an anti-keylogger similar to how they do it and then maybe it might still work on Win 11? Just a thought anyways.

I believe the old “Classic” version of SpyShelter actually does work on Windows 11, however just not the most up to date version of Windows 11. And just to be clear, in case others are reading this… our latest software at www.spyshelter.com absolutely works on all Windows 11 versions with no issues. This is an issue with our old “Classic” software.

We will check out Hitman Pro Alert, thanks!

For the license renewal, if you want to get Pro here (covers 3 PCs) and then forward your order to me Contact SpyShelter and Get Help with Free, Pro, or Ultimate (bottom left email address) I can then manually make you a Classic code. This way you get one modern SpyShelter code you can use on your latest Windows 11 PC (if you want to) and then I will send you another additional code for your older PC where you want the old Classic SpyShelter.

If you run into an order issue please let me know. Meanwhile please cancel any old subscriptions…

Please note also that with SpyShelter you can cancel your renewal immediately on purchase if you want. It’s all done with web links so you don’t have to contact us or anything like that.

Thanks for considering purchasing SpyShelter again and supporting our work on this project, and we appreciate your feedback/ideas!

Hello Carl,

Thanks again for your help.

The only issue with your solution of buying a new current SpyShelter license is that it costs $39.99 usd per year. And I cannot use it on either computer because it interferes with my antivirus - that’s also why originally I was using your anti-keylogger only product because that worked without interfering with any other software.

So currently my renewal for 2 classic licenses is about $28 usd per year (using current currency conversion rates since the renewal is in my local currency). If I reduce that to 1 classic license it would be about $14 usd per year. I don’t want to jump from $14 usd per year to $39.99 usd per year for this. It would be cheaper just to renew for 2 classic licenses which is not what I want to do either.

Is there any other way you could please help me to keep 1 classic license at the appropriate price that I’m currently on? Otherwise unfortunately despite how much I love the classic version I may have to move on and research other products :frowning:

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

Hello @Barno, did you try our latest version? We built SpyShelter specifically so it can’t interfere with any antivirus and in fact we aren’t an antivirus at all. Can you give me details of the issue you had with SpyShelter if you tried it with your antivirus? We definitely think there is a misunderstanding.

We stopped selling SpyShelter Classic because we believe it’s unfair to sell something that doesn’t even work on modern Windows. I can sell you our latest software then send you a Classic code manually to help you out, but unfortunately I have no way to make custom sales/carts pricing for old SpyShelter software versions that are obsolete.

We have a “Winter Sale”, I will send you details on that to try to help you out further. Please look at your private messages in the forum at the top right.

Hello Carl,

Sorry I should of been more specific. I’m currently using Kaspersky Plus and in addition to the antivirus, it already includes everything else I need including firewall, application control (so I can whitelist/blacklist), mic and webcam blocking, etc. The only thing it is missing that I want is an anti-keylogger, which was what I loved about the original SpyShelter Classic Silent Anti Keylogger. That app was just anti-keylogger only and worked perfectly with Kaspersky. I never owned the original SpyShelter with all the extra features because I had no need for them and Kaspersky already did everything + more.

So in this case spending $39.99 USD a year for 1 classic license for the anti-keylogger makes no sense since I have no use for the latest SpyShelter. And even with your special offer $29.99 USD a year for 1 classic license makes no sense either because I’ve currently got 2 renewing for approximately $28 USD a year (depending on conversion rate). All I wanted was to renew for 1 license for about $14 USD a year while this computer stays on Windows 10 (although at some point it will probably be upgraded to Windows 11 anyways and then I won’t be able to use this anymore).

So if you’re unable to do anything with this or the pricing then I do understand and thank you for your help anyways. It’s much appreciated and quite disappointing that Microsoft has taken the approach they have :frowning: In any case it seems this might not be the right solution for me moving forward so unless you have any other ideas I might have to start looking at other options?

Thank you anyways for all your help and support and it’s much appreciated. SpyShelter Classic Anti-Keylogger has been working great on my Win 10 computer and I just wish Microsoft would undo whatever they did to break it on Windows 11 (noting that I need the latest version on the laptop so staying on an out of date version is not an option). If I have to move to other options it will be by necessity and not because I want to :frowning:


Sorry for the issue and thanks for your feedback. We are investigating bringing back some anti-keylogger functionality in the future.