Under Protection > Screenshot Protection
Is there a way to enable this and still be able to use my Snipping Tool?
When it is enabled, my snipping tool captures nothing but black.
Is there a way to make an exception for this tool?
Thanks for your feedback on adding the ability to allow/deny certain apps from taking screenshots.
This is a popular SpyShelter request, but as of now we are not aware of any way to implement this technically with the Windows OS. We will keep investigating this feature because I agree it’s a cool feature, and it’s something we’d also like for ourselves.
Sorry for the bad news.
Oh, one thing… if you right click our icon in the bottom right Windows tray you can quickly turn on/off screenshot protection. I use that a lot myself, in case you aren’t aware of that.
Hi.Thanks Carl.
That work around will do for now.
Thank you!
I offen use Snipping tool. Now i have to make choice between installing Spyshelter or forgive security. BTW; other screen tools have the samen problem. Black screen. I hope you are able to find a solution. if you need laptop specs am willing to provide these.
Like I already said, in SS Classic and Windows 10 this is no problem. It can alert about every app that wants to take a screenhot, and you can allow or deny.
So what exactly changed in Windows 11, did Microsoft remove some API, and if so, why not contact them and explain to them why you need this API?
I don’t believe it was an API, but more of a hack that no longer works due to new security changes. I will ask the team though in case I am mistaken.
For myself, yeah I’d love to see this again also of course because it’s super cool to know this information in case some app went rogue… but before making the new version we only ripped out things that don’t work in modern Windows. Otherwise we would have just used the same code, so I’m 99% sure this functionality can no longer exist in Windows in any way we’re aware of.
Yes, perhaps you can ask this to the developer, because I assume that all apps that make screenshots must make use of some type of API, and most of the time these API’s can be monitored.
At this time SpyShelter works to block ALL screenshots, so to make only certain things blocked we would have to completely redesign the feature. I’m not sure if it’s technically possible with Windows, but we’ll see. I agree with this idea and it would be cool!