Hitman Pro.Alert is compatible with SpyShelter?

Hello !

I understand that. But I thing there is not compatible…

  • For OSArmor, compatible or not ?

Thanks to help me !

Thanks for considering using SpyShelter and those other security apps simultaneously.

Honestly, I’m not sure. Did you try them and was there any conflict?

Please note we do have our “Easy” mode (go to the top of our “Protection” screen) that is less likely to interfere with other apps. Maybe consider that mode if you use those third party tools.

As far as straight antiviruses, SpyShelter should not interfere with them.

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I have OSArmor Personal subscription and so far I haven’t had compatibility problems with Spyshelter beta. OSArmor Personal is set to medium protection, Spyshelter v15 beta is set on paranoid mode. I don’t know about HitmanPro.Alert, I’m sorry


@Kaliban I’m glad SpyShelter is working OK with OSArmor!

We should check out SpyShelter with HitmanPro Alert and see. We specifically tried to make our app so it has options to keep it from interfering with others, so our users can choose any security combination of different non-SpyShelter apps that they prefer.

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Yep, Spyshelter and OSArmor work well together. The only issue occurred when I had to update Spyshelter beta versior, please refer to Can't update from to - #2 by Kaliban


I will report this to our team, thanks!

And to everyone reading… if you ever have update issues with a third party app, and you think SpyShelter could be responsible then go to our “Protection” tab and change it to “Easy” and it should solve the problem.

Then, if that doesn’t solve the problem you can go to our “Protection” tab and change to “Off” mode, and then you can COMPLETELY rule SpyShelter out from being responsible for the problem.

We tried to make SpyShelter where you could easily trouble shoot problems and rule us out if you’re having an issue. But, of course it’s better to keep our “Easy” mode on, because that mode will continue to automatically quarantine known threats for you.

Our next update coming soon has more obvious alerts, so you’ll know if SpyShelter quarantines a threat or PUP.

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SpyShelter with HitmanPro Alert works very well, no problems!!


Great to know! Thanks for letting everyone know about this.

As posted previously, we worked hard to make it where SpyShelter shouldn’t interfere with any Antivirus, or even any other security tool. However, we can’t control if they want to interfere with us. :slightly_smiling_face: