Control SpyShelter through the Windows Command Prompt

Did you know you can control SpyShelter through the Windows Command Prompt?

First go to the top right of the SpyShelter main window and look for the settings cog icon. Click the settings cog icon in the SpyShelter window, then choose “settings”. Next turn on “Allow command line tool access”.

Now, launch the Windows Command Prompt.

Next, type: sps help

You’ll then see a list of the available commands for the SpyShelter sps.exe command-line executable and you’re ready to start controlling SpyShelter through the Windows Terminal.

Fun, isn’t it?

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Anyone try the Command Prompt option yet? What did you think?

It’s a nice feature, but in my opinion not many users will use it

Thanks for your feedback.

I’m not a huge Terminal person myself… but, I have heard from some users privately (before posting this), that they find themselves using the Terminal the most. We plan to keep improving the Terminal and adding more features for those who are heavily Terminal users.

Typically… some beginners might not use the Windows Terminal. However, it’s a very nice option and I’m glad that the team will continue to further develop more features within the Terminal use.

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Yes, we plan to keep adding more Terminal features, but it’s kind of a trade-off between what we should add, vs possibly causing instability for user PCs. For example… if we add quarantine, or the ability to kill processes from the Terminal we worry we could cause problems for some people.

What’s your opinion on allowing users to kill/quarantine from the Terminal?